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As the winter is here, the year of 2019 is coming to an end. This is also the time of year for sharing what you’re thankful for. And our customers are at the top of our list. We’re thankful for ...
In the December of each year, we will organize all our colleagues to travel to different places. This is the welfare that the company gives to everyone after a whole year of hard work. This year's tour...
We’re very happy to start the partnership with AMES International, Inc since last month, which is one of the largest nut roasters and chocolate manufacturers on the West Coast in United State. Also, ...
Earlier this year, our client Maya Brenner came to us with request to update the packaging materials for her jewelry products, we were delighted to help as always and would put all our efforts to satis...
With the arrival of the National Day, we also about to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. This year are particularly lively as our country will held a military parade at T...