contact ustime:2020-07-09 Author: Lykwell Number of visits:157
On June 30 the China Chain Store and Franchise Association released the top 100 supermarket brands list in China. China Resources Vanguard has topped the supermarket brands with sales of $13.5 billion in 2019, while Alibaba-owned retailer Freshhema witnessed the biggest jump in sales at 185.7 percent.
According to the report , the total sales of the top 10 winners took up about 60 percent of sales among all the top 100 brands. They are specifically CR Vanguard, RT-Mart, Yonghui, Walmart, Lianhua, Freshhema, Wu-Mart, Carrefour, Jiajiayue and Hyper-mart.
Do you have a plan to sell your products in China stores? You may consider these supermarket brands mentioned above.
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