contact ustime:2019-05-10 Author: Mellisa Number of visits:211
With the World Book and Copyright Day passed recently, Lykwell has a reading and sharing activity today to encourage all colleagues to love reading, keep learning and pursue improving. Just like Shakespeare once said, "a life without books is like a life without sunshine. Wisdom without books is like a bird without wings."
Four managers from overseas department mainly share their opinions about The Effective Executive by Peter F. Drucker, with the hope they could do better in management and influence more staffs to understand each other and love reading.
One of the managers, Vicky, mentions that time management is very important in working, and we may keep recording what we do every day and diagnose such time logs closely, which would help us spend our time on important priorities. By practicing this on a regular schedule, we are to see magical changes.
It is a very successful activity, a lot of colleagues also share their ideas on reading, and we will continue Lykwell Book Club activities all the year round as planned. Let’s expect more harvest.