
Secondary classification:

China’s Trade Volume Exceeded $6 Trillion

China's foreign trade has once again reached a new level. 

China's import and export of goods exceeded 6 trillion in US dollars for the first time, setting a record high, according to data released by the General Administration of Customs on the 14th.

Data shows that after reaching US$4 trillion in 2013, China's foreign trade has continuously achieved two milestones of US$5 trillion and US$6 trillion in 2021, reaching US$6.05 trillion. 

It indicates that China is a stable and reliable trade partner, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemics dragging global trade.

Likewise, Lykwell have always striven to be a trust-worthy and dependable partner for our customers all over the world. 

We look forward to establishing stronger relationships and sharing greater success with you in 2022!

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