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Production Timeline for Holiday Season

With the singing of “Jingle Bell” melody all around the streets, shops,

We know that it is now getting close to the 2017 Christmas, then follows the Chinese New Year by Feb 15th, 2018.

A lot of holidays will be taken at this season, that we make early plans for production as always.

For clients who may have any concern/plan to order, please do inform us AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.

Letting us know in advance, that we could help to:

- have working people in position

- store raw materials

- timely vessel booking

Most our workers will be taking off on Jan 15th ~ Feb 28th 2018, to back hometown and celebrate Spring Festival - the most important occasion in Chinese tradition.

By this chance, we would like to send our best regards to you all:

“Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! ”

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